What if a zombie apocalypse were to actually occur?  How would that change the day-to-day lives of those who survive?  I'm not talking about how ones life would change DURING the apocolypse, i'm talking about after the outbreak; long after.  In the graphic novel and television series THE WALKING DEAD, the virus infects both the living and the dead.  One doesn't have to be bitten by a zombie to "turn", one simply has to die (even from natural causes) and they'll become the living dead.  This being the case, as survivors start to rebuild some type of society, a plan would have to be put in place concerning how to "put down" the recently deceased and prevent another outbreak.  Since most of us believe in God in some form or another, this would quickly if not immediately become a religious ritual.  The simplest and most effective way of dealing with this problem would be by burning the bodies immediately after death, but what if some other core religious belief prohibited this?  What would you do then?
     Now, let's jump backwards about 5000 years and look at the first pharaohs of Egypt and the religious ceremonies they followed.  At the time of death, the deceased person would have their brain removed (the root of all zombie myths), their mouth sewn shut (as if to prevent biting), and their body wrapped tightly in garments (as if to prevent movement).  This process was known as mummification and was done as a religious ceremony.  Because it was done for so long, the origin of this practice is unknown, but at one time it was done to every single person in Egypt who died, regardless of their age, sex, social standing, or cause of death.  It's logical to assume, at least at some point, they had a very important reason for doing it.  Maybe it was originally done to stop an outbreak, and they continued to do it to prevent another one.  Maybe they did for so long no one could remember why the ritual was started, but because it had become part of their religion, they just kept on doing it long after the threat was gone.  Since Its possible for a virus to die out or go dormant once it doesn't have any hosts to "feed" on, maybe mummification stopped the world-wide spread of a virus that's unknown to us today.  If you combine this with the fact that Egyptian mythology deals heavily with the afterlife and the transition from this world to the next, it makes you wonder if maybe the ancient egyptians knew something that has long since been forgotten.     

Mummies and Zombies

Colorado Zombie Outpost

If you're prepared for zombies, You're prepared for anything!